Tuesday, June 15, 2004

real deep shit

Alternate reality. Consensual reality. Personal reality. Multiple reality...
Why do we not admit to there being more than one absolute legitimate reality? When you think about it, how can there not be?
It's kind of like the Earth, isn't it? One integral, solid whole... But divided and subdivided of necessity till it's in fragments: continent/ country/ city/ district/ yours/ mine/ ours/ theirs...Splintered into separate wholes by this need to hold as our own, individually.

Wouldn't it be ok to think of it as being so much bigger than me that I could climb in and wander around in it's hazy labyrinths, trying to find the perfect fit for the jagged edges of my individuality stained logic and know that I'll find a mirror for my perspective here under the all embracing awning of ultimate truth.
who's to say. Whose to say...

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My teeth hurt. My head is a vice. Every word I've ever choked down imploding me from inside. My arms hurt. My bones are diamond. ...